10 Steps to Produce High-Quality Content Every Time You Write
How to write articles your readers deserve.
Produce the best possible quality content you can.
But how can you ensure you create a high-quality article? Nobody wants to waste their time writing an article that stinks. And your audience deserves better.
These ten questions are ten steps that will help you write high-quality content for your audience to give them the value they deserve.
1. Is it Relevant?
Is your article relevant to your readers?
Your article might be the best article ever written on “How to be a High-Rise Window Washer,” but if your audience is full of people like me who are afraid of heights - your article won’t get off the ground.
Relevancy captures and keeps your audience’s attention throughout your article.
2. Is it Accurate?
Is the information in your article accurate?
You might write an emotionally moving article about the bravery of first responders on 9/11, but if you constantly refer to the events as happening in Seattle, everyone will think, “This person is clueless.”
Accuracy in your content builds and maintains trust with your audience.
3. Is it Clear?
Is your article easy to understand?
It’s critical to know your audience on this one. If your audience is mostly college professors, then feel free to use big words. But if your audience reads at the average level for U.S. citizens, then write for them.
Don’t write over people’s heads so you can look smart.
4. Is it Engaging?
Does your article capture and keep the attention of your readers?
Don’t bore people to death. Every topic can be presented in a sleep-inducing, boring fashion, or it can be presented in an exciting, keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat way.
Sometimes doing the unexpected is a great way to keep people’s attention.
5. Is it Original?
Is your article really “your” article?
Don’t steal other people’s content and then pass it off as your own. Take ideas and then give your perspective. Use your own experience to produce originality on your article’s topic.
You can create high-quality articles - don’t stoop to dishonesty.
6. Is it Useful?
What problem does your article solve for your reader?
Your article should solve a problem, answer a question, or offer practical advice. Write with your reader in mind. An easy way to do this is to write an article that solves your problem.
The solution to your problem will help someone else too.
7. Is it Organized?
Does your article make sense?
Your reader should be able to follow your “train of thought” in your article. Few things irritate me more than reading an article where the writer’s thoughts are jumbled.
Disorganization in your writing is a sign of poor thinking.
8. Is it Visually Appealing?
If you want your reader to read your article, you first must “catch their eye.”
Use titles and images that grab the reader’s attention and make them want to learn more. Structure your article to be easily skimmable with section headers and short sections.
Look at your article when it’s finished and ask, “Would I click on this?”
9. Is it Credible?
Is your article well-researched?
It’s essential to cite credible sources when applicable to help establish your credibility in your field. This is especially important in topics with a lot of misinformation - like the medical field or politics.
Show your reader you’ve done your research.
10. Is it Evergreen?
Will your article still help your reader next year?
Not everything you write has to be “evergreen,” but it’s important to write at least some articles that will “stand the test of time.” These articles will continue to reach new people month after month.
Commit to producing content that will be valuable for a long time.
These ten questions are ten steps toward producing high-quality content that will be valuable to your reader.
And your audience deserves no less than your best!
Excellent tips.